Where does that Celebrity actually live?
Posted by Nobby
Celebrities are everywhere. From London to Paris to New York, they are pictured everywhere during promotions or even in gossip articles. But how many of us really prove that we are highly addictive fans of the super stars and indeed know every detail of them including where they currently live or used to live or moved from where to where? I would say very less of us (yes that includes me as well).
As for me, I became a huge fan of Orlando Bloom after he was cast in the Pirates of the Caribbean series but I didn't take any effort to know where he is from after the first installment. When I got to know that he is from London, I realized that my assumption of the States was quite wrong. Then on, the Where Does website gives me all information about Celebrities' current homes and I quite surely know Where Does Orlando Bloom Live now. I recommended that to most of my not so Show Biz fan friends off late but then I had totally dumbstruck when one of them told me why don't I write this on my blog, geez it took me back; and so here I am giving you all the most important news about Show Biz and the next time when you want to know Where Does that celebrity actually live, you know where to go.
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