E commerce

Electronic commerce is popularly known as e-commerce .It consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce is conducted between business and consumers and it is termed as B2C. The innovations in electronic commerce are electronic funds transfer ,supply chain management, internet marketing, online transaction processing ,inventory management systems and automated data collection systems .Some of the common applications are e-mail ,enterprise content management ,instant messaging, newsgroup ,online shopping and order tracking , online banking ,teleconferencing and electronic tickets. Recently a new interface is created to promote retail marketing in different ways .This is also known as e-retail.
When setting up a new e-commerce business, the main concern is about ecommerce web hosting .We have to choose the ecommerce web hosting depending on security issues and reliable usage .The other factors are customer support. This market is growing at the rate of 10 percent every year. Many new opportunities are created every day in this sector of the industry. The automated data collection system is an excellent interface built in electronic commerce which reduces huge amount of manual effort.


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