PopeMobile is for sale
Posted by Nobby
On March 20, an amazing auction is to be hosted, in typical Showbiz style. Back in May, 2005, a car auction in eBay drew international attention and broke eBay records
with over 10 million visitors to its auction page. Now, its owners have decided to take it back to auction block. GoldenPalace.com are, the current owners of the
famous collectible.
In what was easily one of the most phenomenal events in Internet
history, the car which once belonged to Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, now Pope
Benedict XVI, was won by online casino GoldenPalace.com for an impressive
€188,938.88. This month, citing health concerns, the Pope announced that he would be
resigning the papacy. “When we learned of the Pope’s resignation we
wanted to pay tribute by giving others the opportunity to own a piece of
history” said Richard Allen, a spokesperson for GoldenPalace.com. GoldenPalace notes “we believe that
His Holiness would be especially pleased to know that the money raised as a
result of this auction would be used to help the needy.”
GoldenPalace.com is excited to re-list this iconic
piece of history, in what surely will be another spectacular event. The auction
begins on Tuesday March 20th, 17:00 GMT, with a starting bid of only
£0.99. To view auction,
visit: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pope-Benedict-XVI-Volkswagen-Golf-/321076800159.
GoldenPalace.com has made
headlines across the globe through various unconventional marketing campaigns
and while their unique marketing stunts have been copied, they’ve yet to be matched. GoldenPalace.com has used its unconventional auction wins and marketing reach
to raise awareness and more than $1,000,000 for deserving charities worldwide.
Proceeds from this auction will benefit Habitat for Humanity Great Britain, building hope all over the world. For more information, visit: www.habitatforhumanity.org.uk.
Proceeds from this auction will benefit Habitat for Humanity Great Britain, building hope all over the world. For more information, visit: www.habitatforhumanity.org.uk.
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