Smoke and Chill Recording Studios is one of a kind

This week on Show Biz Blog, we are featuring a one of a kind new-age studio in California. Off late, you would have noticed our showing our spotlight on new age artists who are coming up with a different style and rhythms and breaking the norm.

Similarly, we wanted to write about studios and were researching whom to begin with. Then we chanced upon Smoke & Chill Studios - the first and only recording studio in Felton, California to literally offer smoke and chill vibes in addition to being a state of the art studio for artists and musicians alike. 

Smoke and Chill (we love the name!) is a modern studio and is owned by none other than the Leemy Leem of the Legendary Group "The Kaze", you can see this from the image above that this is from Kami Kaze productions. 

We went over their website and they offer more than just recording and mixing services at their studio. Booking is all online from 2 hours to 8 hours on any given day and ask us what the best part is? Cannabis is offered at no charge! Who wouldn't want to this miss this?!

Smoke and Chill does not impose any conditions on the genre of music - all genres are appreciated and celebrated here! Check them out at and book them for your next recording, chilling, or jamming sessions!


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